Monday, December 24, 2007

بازي حكم
اين بازي توسط علي طالقاني نوشته شده و يكي از محبوب ترين بازي هاي ورق در ايران هستش . من اين بازي رو با زبان ويژوال بيسيك 6 نوشته ام و نوشتن اون در 3 ماه طول كشيد
دررابطه با بازي مي توانم بگم كه از هر نظر كامل هستش و داراي تمام امكانات لازم مي باشد و دوزبان (فارسي - انگليسي) رو پشتيباني مي كنه.
اين بازي داراي 5 مرحله(گيج-آسان-متوسط-سخت-متقلب) ميباشد كه در حالت متقلب بازيكنان حريف تقلب ميكنند و كارت هاي حريف را ميبينند واگر مثلا يكي از آن ها بخواهد حكم كند به جاي آنكه بر اساس 5 كارت اولش حكم كند بر اساس 22 كارت خودش و بازيكن يارش اين حكم را ميكندالبته اين امكان فقط براي حالت متقلب ميباشد و بقيه مراحل قانوني بازي مي كنند وب همراه بقيه امكانات ديگر.البته قبل از اجراي بازي پيشنهاد مي كنم فونت هاي اون رو كه همراه بازي هست رو از طريق كنترل پنل در پوشه فونت ها حتما نصب كنيد.
امكانات مورد نياز
ٌWindows XP SP2
Windows Vista

دانلود بازي

لطفا نظر خود را در رابطه با اين بازي در وب لاگ قرارداده ويا به ايميل من ارسال كنيد و حتما در راي گيري كه در سايت قرار داده شده حتما شركت كنيد و به من هم ايميل بزيد.
نظر يادتون نره ها

Hokm Card Game
This Hokm Card Game has coded by Ali Taleqani,It's a one of popular card game in Iran.
I have coded this game with VB6.
This game is complete and have supports two languages(Persian-English).
It has five levels of (Stupid-Easy-Medium-Hard-Dishonest).
For more information see the Help menu of the game.
Please send your opinion to my email address.


لينك هاي دوستان
فیلتر شکن
سايت تفريحي سرگرمي لوله

قوانين بازي حكم

بازي حكم محبوب ترين بازي پاسور در ايران مي باشد.

تعيين حاكم :

قبل از شروع بازي بايد بازيكن حاكم و بازيكناني كه ميخواهند در بازي يار يكديگر باشند مشخص شوند.البته تعيين يار هم مي تواند قبل از تعيين حاكم به صورت توافقي بين بازيكنان انجام شود ولي تعيين حاكم الزامي است .

تعيين حاكم به اين صورت مي باشد كه بازيكني كه ورق ها را پخش مي كند از سمت راست خود و بر خلاف جهت عقربه هاي ساعت ورق ها را يكي يكي بين بازيكنان پخش مي كند تا زماني كه يكي از ورق هاي خال (پيك- دل- گيش – خشت) به يكي از بازيكنان برسدتا حاكم مشخص شود و در صورت تمايل براي انتخاب يار حاكم بازيكن پخش كننده ورق ها پخش كردن ورق ها را ادامه مي دهدتا يكي از ورق هاي خال به بازيكن ديگر برسد.

تذكر‌: اگر در زمان تعيين يار حاكم براي بار دوم و سوم و ... كارت تك به بازيكن حاكم افتاد پخش كردن ورق ها ادامه پيدا مي كندتا زماني كه كارت تك به يكي از سه بازيكن ديگر بيافتد . نحوه نشستن بازيكنان به اين صورت مي باشد كه بازيكن هايي كه يار يكديگر مي باشند مي باست روبروي يكديگر بنشينند.

تعيين حكم :

بعد از تعيين حاكم سپس بازيكن پخش كننده ورق ها كه جايگاهش سمت چپ حاكم مي باشد ورق ها را در سه سري (يك سري پنج تايي ودو سري چهار تايي) بين بازيكنان پخش مي كند . اولين سري پنج تايي را به بازيكن حاكم مي دهدكه بازيكن حاكم مي بايست بر اساس آن پنج كارتي كه در دست دارد حكم بازي را تعيين كند . در صورتي كه كارت هاي تعيين حكم هر پنج تا زير عدد ده بودند حاكم ميتواند در صورت تمايل كارت ها را رد كند تا بازيكن پخش كننده ورق ها ورق هاي ديگري را براي تعيين حكم به حاكم بدهد . بازيكن حاكم يك نوع كارت را به عنوان حكم انتخاب مي كندكه اين نوع كارت بالاترين نوع كارت در دست جاري بازي مي باشد .

شروع بازي :

اولين كسي كه بازي را شروع مي كند بازيكن حاكم است كه يك كارت را پايين مي آيد و سپس بازيكن هاي ديگر در صورت داشتن آن نوع كارت بايد از همان نوع كارت پايين بيايند و در صورتي كه كارتي را كه بازيكن حاكم پايين آمده كارت حكم نبود سپس بازيكنان ديگر در صورت نداشتن آن نوع كارت مي توانند ببرند و يا رد كنند . وقتي كه تمام بازيكنان ورق هايشان را پايين آمدندو هر چهار تا كارت در زمين قرار گرفت سپس بازيكني كه امتياز كارتش از بقيه كارت ها بالاتربود يك امتياز به گروه يا تيم آن ها اضافه مي شود . تيمي كه زودتر بتواند هفت امتياز بگيرد برنده آن دست از بازي است . البته اگر تيمي كه بازيكن حاكم در آن است بتواند در يك دست از بازي هفت امتياز بگيرد در اين صورت تيمي كه هيچ امتيازي نگرفته كت شده است كه دو امتياز دارد و اگر بازيكن حاكم در آن تيمي كه هيچ امتيازي نگرفته باشد در اين صورت حاكم كتي صورت گرفته است كه سه امتياز براي برنده دارد .

هر تيمي كه بتواند زودتر هفت دست بازي را ببرد برنده بازي است در صورتي كه تيمي امتيازش شش برسد و سپس در دست آخر بازي امتياز كت يا حاكم كتي را بگيرد در صورت كت كردن امتيازش يك و در صورت حاكم كتي امتيازش دو خواهد شد و بازي دوباره جريان پيدا مي كند تا امتياز يك تيم به هفت برسد و بازي پايان پيدا كند .

Rulls of Hokm Card Game

Game Overview

Hokm is a trick taking card game, in which the object is to be the first team or player to win 7 points. It's the most popular card game in Iran. Deal and play are anticlockwise.

The word Hokm literally means "command, order" but in card game jargon, it's Persian for trump suit.

At the beginning of each hand, one of the players becomes Hâkem. Hâkem literally means "ruler, governor" and in card game jargon, it refers to a player having certain privileges in the game. In Hokm, these privileges are:

* To be the player who receives the first cards dealt.
* To be the player who makes trump (i.e. chooses and declares what suit will be trump) for the current hand.
* To be the player who leads to the first trick of the hand.

Players and Cards

Hokm can be played with 2, 3 or 4 players. If with four players, two players normally team up against the other two.
The game uses a standard 52-card deck. Within each suit, the cards are ranked from highest to lowest: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Hokm for 4 Players

The four players are in fixed partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other.
Determination of Hâkem, His Partner and Dealer

One of the players flips one card to each player anticlockwise. The first player to take an Ace becomes Hâkem. The dealing is continued (notice that Hâkem gets no more card) until another player takes another Ace. This player becomes the partner of Hâkem. If necessary, the players must change seats so that the partners are sitting opposite each other. The player to the left of Hâkem, who is from the opposite team, becomes dealer.

Before the deal, the partner of Hâkem (the player to dealer's left) has the right to cut the deck. The dealer then deals out all the cards in 3 rounds so that each player has 13 cards. Each player receives 5 cards at a time in the first round, and 4 cards in the following rounds. The first cards are dealt to Hâkem (the player to dealer's right) and the deal continues anticlockwise, ending with the dealer. Hâkem must choose and declare the trump suit on the basis of his own first 5 cards only. To avoid any possibility that Hâkem's partner might help by passing information about his cards, the deal must be paused during the first round, and no cards given to Hâkem's partner until Hâkem has declared the trump suit.

Hâkem leads to the first trick. Each player in turn must follow suit. If a player holds no cards of the suit led, that player may play any card (including any trump card). The highest card in the trump suit always wins the trick. If no trump cards are played, the trick goes to the highest card of the suit led. The winner of a trick leads to the next.

* The first team to take 7 tricks wins the hand and scores 1 point.
* If the Hâkem's team wins the hand by taking the first 7 tricks, the other team having taken none, they win 2 points instead of 1. If the Hâkem's opponents win by taking the first 7 tricks, they win 3 points instead of 1.
* The first team to reach 7 points wins the game.
* If the Hâkem's team won the hand, the Hâkem retains the rank, and the same dealer deals again. If the other team wins, the turn to deal passes to the right: the previous Hâkem deals and the player to his right becomes Hâkem for the following hand.

Hokm for 3 Players
Determination of Hâkem and Dealer

Before starting the game, one of the 2's is removed from the deck, leaving 51 cards (17 cards for each player). One of the players flips one card at a time to each player anticlockwise. The first player to take an Ace becomes Hâkem and the player to his left becomes dealer.

The dealer deals out all the cards in 4 rounds so that each player has 17 cards. Each player receives 5 cards at a time in the first round, and 4 cards in the following rounds. The Hâkem receives the first cards and the deal continues anticlockwise. The deal is paused after the first round, and continued after Hâkem has declared the trump suit.

Hâkem leads to the first trick. Each player in turn must follow suit. If a player holds no cards of the suit led, that player may play any card (including any trump card). The highest card in the trump suit always wins the trick. If no trump cards are played, the trick goes to the highest card of the suit led. The winner of a trick leads to the next.

* If one player takes all the first 7 tricks, the hand is over and the winner scores either 2 points if he was Hâkem or 3 if he wasn't Hâkem.
* Otherwise, the winner is the first player who takes a number of tricks that cannot be equalled or exceeded by another player. For example if the tricks are 7-4-3 the play must continue, because a second player might also achieve 7 tricks, but at 7-4-4 the player with 7 tricks has won, because no one else can take more than 6 tricks. In the same way 8-3-1 is not yet a win, but 8-2-2 is a win for the player with 8 tricks. In such a case the winner of the hand scores 1 point.
* If two of players take the same number of tricks then the third player wins the hand and scores 1 point. So for example if the tricks are 7-7-3, the player with 3 tricks wins.
* The first player to reach 7 points wins the game.
* If Hâkem won the hand, he keeps this rank and the same player deals again. Otherwise Hâkem becomes the new dealer and the player to his right becomes Hâkem for the following hand.

Hokm for 2 Players
Determination of Hâkem and Dealer

One of the players flips one card at a time to each player alternately. The first player to take an Ace becomes Hâkem and the other player becomes dealer.

The dealer deals 5 cards at once to Hâkem and 5 to himself and the undealt stock is placed face down in the middle of table. Hâkem examines his cards and declares the trump suit. Then he chooses 3 of his 5 cards to discard face down to start the discard pile. In the same way, the other player discards 2 unwanted cards from his hand face down.

Now Hâkem draws the top card from the undealt stock (without exposing it to his opponent). If he estimates it valuable, he can add it to his hand; otherwise he discards it face down and takes the next card from the top of the stock, which he must keep. If he chose to keep the first card, he must discard the second card face down, having looked at it. Now the other player draws from the stock, choosing to keep the first or second card in the same way. This continues, the players taking turns to draw, until the stock is exhausted. At this point, each player should have 13 cards in hand.

The decision whether to take the first card or wait for the second brings a lot of excitement to the game. Sometimes you miss a valuable card because you have picked the first card. Your opponent must not see any of your discarded cards.

Hâkem leads to the first trick. The other player must follow suit. If he holds no cards of the suit led, he may play any card (including any trump card). The highest card in the trump suit always wins the trick. If no trump cards are played, the trick goes to the highest card of the suit led. The winner of a trick leads to the next.

* The first player to take 7 tricks wins the hand and scores 1 point.
* If Hâkem wins the first 7 tricks he scores 2 points instead of 1. If Hâkem's opponent wins by taking the first 7 tricks, he scores 3 points instead of 1.
* The first player to reach 7 points wins the game.
* If Hâkem won the hand, he remains Hâkem. If not, he deals and the other player becomes Hâkem.


Winning the hand by taking all the first seven tricks is called Kot which is worth 2 points.
Hâkem Koti

If you or your team could Kot the Hâkem player or team (impossible mission) then it's called Hâkem Koti which is worth 3 points.
Hokm Lâzem

To lead a trump card which obliges other players to play a trump card.

(literally 'to cut' - cf. French 'couper') To win a trick by playing a trump card when you are void of the suit led.
Rad Kardan

(literally 'to bypass') Not to play a trump card when you are void of the suit led, because you are quite sure that your partner will win the trick.
Pâyin Âmadan

(literally 'to lay low') To play a low card because you are quite sure that your opponent will win the trick.
Bâlâ Âmadan

(literally 'to lay high') To play a high card in order to make the next player play a higher card if he can.


Anonymous said...

I'm downloading this game right now , it looks like a good game
Thanks for sharing
Good luck

Anonymous said...

دست شما درد نکنه ولی برنامه شما وال پیپر رو عوض میکنه بدون اینکه خواسته کاربر باشه اگر این ایراد را بردارید بهتر است.

Anonymous said...

be elate hajme ziyade bazi va sorate paeene internet man hanooz natonestam bazi ro begiram vali hamin ke mibinam ye irani peyda shode ke zahmatesho rayegan dar ekhtiyare baghiye gharar mide vajeb didam ke azaton tashakkor konam.
movafagh bashin va bye.